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Batting cage information and schedule

Looking to improve your batting skills? Our batting cage is available for use by all registered members.  Please check the schedule for your divisions' availability. Happy hitting!

The Batting Cage is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Scheduled days & times have precedence over drop-ins.
For days with multiple divisions scheduled to use the Batting Cage, it is available on a first-come, first-served basis for those groups.
Please cooperate and give everyone a chance to hit. 
If multiple divisions are scheduled, please share as best you can

Sunday - 8 am to 12 pm - Royals, 11U
Sunday-12 pm to 2 pm 13U
Sunday - 2 pm to 5 pm - 18U
Monday - 4 pm onwards - 15U, 18U
Tuesday - 4:30-6:30 pm - 13U, 6:30 pm onwards - 15U, Royals
Wednesday - 4 pm onwards - 11U, Royals, Bantam AAA
Thursday - 4
:00-6:00 pm - Bantam AA, 6 pm onwards - 13U, 18U, Royals
Friday - 4 pm onwards - 13U, 11U
Saturday - 8 am to 12 pm - Royals
Saturday - 10 am to 12:30 pm - 9U & 7U
Saturday - 12:30 pm to 4 pm - 13U

Coaches - If your team uses the cage, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to lock it up when you're finished. It does not matter if you think someone might be coming after - be sure.  Also, have your players pick up the balls when finished.  Whenever possible, Leave the batting cage better than you found it.