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For players 9 Turning 10 & 10 Turning 11

Current Season Players Born: 2014 & 2015

Mosquito U11 baseball is an introduction to a competitive level in which the fundamental skills (throwing, catching and hitting) and knowledge of the game are learned then used in a game environment. The primary focus being on fun and sportsmanship and ongoing development of fundamental skills.

Spring House League Season: April- June (3rd week)

  • Players will be evaluated at the beginning of the season and teams selected by coaches to ensure balanced gameplay
  • Players will pitch the entirety of the game. Up to May 5th a batting tee will be used on ball four to enhance action, skill development and fun. If a player fails to hit off the tee after 3 swings the player is out. 
  • The first inning is a MANDATORY first year player pitcher (can be a second year, who is in their 1st year of baseball) maximum of 2 runs in the first inning. 
  • Games will be played with a regulation baseball
  • Games are 6 innings or no new inning may commence after 2 hours. 
  • Spring Practices are on Monday & Wednesday with games on Saturday at Springwood or Qualicum Beach fields (subject to change)
  • Prospect games against other communities will also give those who wish to participate in more competitive games the opportunity.

Summer Rep Teams June (3rd week) -Aug (2nd Week)

  • Players will be evaluated over two days on skills and gameplay and teams will be selected on ability
  •  Games are played with a regulation baseball
  • Teams will play other teams from Vancouver Island throughout the summer with possible tournaments through out BC
  • Teams will compete at the Vancouver Island Regional Championship tournament with the potential to travel to Provincial Championships
  • Summer rep teams require full commitment to practices and games and involve travel to other communities on and off Vancouver Island

Fall training program Sept-Oct

  • Fall training will involve 2 training sessions per week.
  • Players will  work on developing fundamental baseball skills without a team-based environment
  • Practices may include fun scrimmage games at the coaches discretion
  • Practices take place at Springwood fields
  • Prospect games against other communities will also give those who wish to participate in more competitive games the opportunity.

Winter training program Jan-March

  • Winter training will involve 1 training session per week (currently on Fridays)
  • Players will  work on developing fundamental baseball skills without a team-based environment
  • Practices may include fun scrimmage games at the coach's discretion
  • ​​​​​​Practices take place at Arbutus Meadows